GeoApps Ideas

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upload_file Upload image
Objecten highlighten in prints
Feature request
Verschillende objecten (bijvoorbeeld percelen) kunnen multi-selecten om vervolgens de highlights hiervan in de print + jpg export te kunnen tonen.
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Loading layers from database in bulk
Feature request
It would be great to have a feature where its possible to load multiple layers from a database at once, since you have to load them from a singular scheme one by one at the moment.
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Kopiëren apps
Feature request
Het kunnen kopiëren en exporteren van apps.
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Automatic closing of oblique/streetview fly-outs
Feature request
When using the oblique/street view modules, the fly-out remains open when the module is closed, meaning it is possible to immediately reopen the module in a new location by clicking in the map. This...
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After searching for an address let the marker disappear slower
Feature request
After searching for an address in the map viewer, a marker will appear on the map of the address in question. The marker disappears after approximately 10 seconds. For a closer look at the location...
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Predefined filters in initial view
Feature request
Ability to set filters so that they are applied during the initial display of a map (other than with the definition query, this must also be shown in the legend and be able to be disabled like...
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Crop overlapping map layers upon selection
Feature request
A feature where, upon clicking on an object in a map layer, only the overlapping objects from all other enabled map layers are displayed (intersect)
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Theme Map list in Viewer
Feature request
In the viewer there are max 5 thememaps being displayed in the list in the top left. It would be good to have a setting to extend this and/or to implement an improved UI displaying there are more...
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Additions Editor/Apps
Feature request
  • The ability to navigate from an app (e.g., Dashboard, MapTour) to the editor and/or the startpage/manage if the user has the necessary permissions. 
  • The ability to grant specific...
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Titel van pop-up: combinatie van layername en attribute value
Feature request
Voor sommige lagen is het handig om in de titel van de pop-up zowel de naam de laag als een attribuut waarde te tonen.
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